easy writing trick

Easy Writing

Easy Writing
The Easy Writing instant-activity kit

includes the Easy Writing Fall activity, the Easy Writing Template, and a PDF file of this tutorial. You can find these components
by opening the Language Arts Templates folder and then the Easy Writing folder in the New area of Classroom Suite.

The Easy Writing
Template provides errorless writing practice for students of all ages, including switch users Students use the provided sentence beginning and a choice of sentence endings to create text about a topic or theme. The text is read aloud by the computer as students make selections. Three story starters (Spring is, Winter is, and I like) are ready for you to add customized sentence endings. You will also learn how to create your own topic for a story.
In this tutorial, you will start by exploring the Easy Writing Fall activity. Later in the tutorial, you will learn to create customized writing activities, using the Easy Writing template.

Universal Design
The activities you create using the Easy Writing Template and Classroom Suite are designed for all students, including those with physical or cognitive disabilities.

Create a Folder for Your New

When you use this template, you will be creating new activities for your students to use. To organize these activities, you will want to create your own folder in the
Activities area of Classroom Suite. 1. At the Navigation Screen, click the Activities
button. Click the New Folder button on the right side of the screen. A dialog box will ask you to name the folder. Give it the name of one of your to get full this trick download here

The Effect Of Giving Quiz And Game In Teaching Vocabulary On The Students’

The Effect Of Giving Quiz And Game In Teaching Vocabulary On The Students’ Ability In Building Up Sentence At Educational Of Tarbiyah Faculty Iain North Sumatera Medan


1.The Background of Study
There are a lot of languages in this world. Language is a great part in our lives, and it is used for communication and allows people to say things to each other. Every language has to major aspects as its construction; they are the linguistic and non-linguistic aspects. The linguistics aspect cover grammar, vocabulary, idiom, style, functions and discours. The non linguistics aspects cover speaking, reading, listening, and writing skill.1
In order to master a language, a speaker firstly, must master the vocabulary aspects. Vocabulary as one of the linguistics aspects is also necessary to be mastered on learning a language. This is true since vocabulary consists of word. Thus, the definition of simple word is the phonological form that recurs with consonant meaning. This means that it would be easier for the speaker to use the language appropriately if he or she knows the words in the language since he or she knows the meaning.2

When people understand the meaning of a word, it would be easier to understand the speaker who use the word. It is, also easier for one to express his feeling in the language if he or she knows the meaning of the word besides its use in contexts as Tarigan states that the quality of the skill in using language is clearly dependent on the quality of his or her vocabulary coverage. The more he or she cover the vocabulary in the language, the bigger the chances for him to master third language.3
Based on the statement above, it can be conclude that the skill of a speaker in using a language is determined by his or her mastery of vocabulary. A wide mastery of vocabulary of the language opens a bigger possibility to be speaker in mastering the language. A good teacher should make his students creative in using the textbook material and the students’ needs about grammar and vocabulary. This means that the teacher is one of the influencing factors to the students in mastering vocabulary. It is suitable with revelation of Allah SWT said;
Meaning; Even as We have sent unto you a messenger from among you, who recited unto you Our revelation and causeth you to grow, and teacheth you the Scripture and wisdom and teacheth you that which ye knew not.[Q.S.Al-Baqarah.Verse 151].4
We also can see in one of the Hadiths by At-Tirmizi as follow;

عَنْ اَبىِ هُرَيْرَةَ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُوْ الله صَلىَّ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: مَنْ سَئِلَ عَنْ عِلْمٍ عَمِلَهُ ثُمَّ كَتَمَةُ اْلجِمَ يَوْمَ اْلقِيَامَةِ بِلِجَامٍ مِنْ نَارٍ.

Meaning; Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said; who is questioned about knowledge which he learnt and then he conceals it, shall wear a girdle of the Fire on the Resurrection Day.[H.R.Ahmad,Inb Daud,Tirmizi].
English is an important subject to learnt for the learner. And learning English is nit easy because the learners are always bored when doing the learning process in the class room. This is because when teaching vocabulary the teacher use a technique or strategies which are not interesting for the students. In teaching vocabulary many teacher often use a tecnique or method such as using context clues, puzzle games, scramble or song.
There are some advantages giving quiz and game, such as;

a. To increase the students’ ability in vocabulary
b. To express the students’ ideas through quiz and game that are used by the teachers
c. To increase the students’ interest in learning vocabulary
d. To increase third students’ creativity such as to create words into sentences
e. To develop the students’ eagerness in using the vocabulary through quiz and game

Generally both of these methods seldom we found in the school, so that we do not know type of which the effective method one of that used in teaching process. That is why the writer why is interested in studying more about ‘The Effect Of Giving Quiz And Game In Teaching Vocabulary On The Students’ Ability In Building Up Sentence At Educational Of Tarbiyah Faculty Iain North Sumatera Medan’.

B. Identification of study
1. The teacher has taught the students by giving quiz but they still have low ability in building up sentence
2. The teacher has taught the students by giving game but they still have low ability in building up sentence
3. The teacher has taught vocabulary but the students’ interest in English vocabulary is low
4. The teacher has used media of study but the students’ achievement English vocabulary is low
C. Limitation of study
Based on the identification of study above the writer limit the study on three factors, they are quiz, game and the students’ ability in building up sentence.

D. Formulation of Study
1. How is the students’ ability in teaching vocabulary by giving quiz in building sentence
2. How is the students’ ability in teaching vocabulary by giving game in building up sentence
3. Is there any significant differences between giving quiz and game in teaching vocabulary on the students’ ability in building up sentence

E. Aim of Study
1. To know the students’ ability in teaching vocabulary by giving quiz in building up sentence
2. To know the students’ ability in teaching vocabulary by giving game in building up sentence
3. To know the significant differences between giving quiz and game in teaching vocabulary on the students’ ability in building up sentence

F. Significant of Study
1. The Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty
2. The lecture as an input as teaching vocabulary
3. The students would be motivated to comprehend systematically and they would be not get bored during learning English
4. The other research to help who want to do further in the same subject