Background of Study
In learning language context there are four skills that students are expected to be able to do, comprehend and interpreted text correctly, but most of the students have less motivation to learn it, event the teachers have taught them in many ways, but in this thesis the writer focus on the way in teaching reading. As Hornby (1995:968) state that reading is action who reads a way in which something is interpreted and understood.
Actually reading is not an easy process because it involves the work eye and brain almost to get information or massage from the text so that to make the students be able to read effectively and efficiently, the teachers should prepare the good strategy and method in teaching English, especially in reading as mentioned in the holly Qur'an An-Nahl verse 125. It says.

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"call unto the way of thy lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and reason with them in the better way. Lo! Thy lord is the best aware of him who strayed from his way, and he is best aware of those who go aright (Q.S. An-Nahl: 125)
From the verse above, we know that teachers should be use the good method when they are teaching; in order the st6udents will be easy to understand the subject. In the processes of learning
There are many ways in learning and teaching to students such as SQ3R, Speed Reading, Silent Reading, Shared Reading, and Active Reading, in this thesis the writer focus on two ways, Shared Reading and Active Reading.
In shared reading, a group may shared the reading of the text that is relevant to the topic, all the students will be able to practice in the group learning activities based on the information in the text. It focuses on the meaning, fun, enjoyment and allows them to relate it back to their own experience or their own word.
While in active reading, it porously doing by the reader, as Dougles brown (1994:293) state that the reader may use skimming with quickly running one’s eye across whole the text to get the gist, skimming gives the reader advantage of being able to predict the purpose of the passage the main topic or massage and possibly some developing or supporting ideas. The reader also uses scanning to searching for some particular piece or peaces of information in a text. Scanning exercises may ask the readers to look for names or date, to find a definition on key concept or to list certain number of supporting details. The purpose of scanning is to extract certain specific information without reading the whole text (293).
Based on the preliminary observation, the writer found many students in SMP.N 1Bukit Mas Besitang have problem in comprehending text and most of the English teacher can not improve their ways in teaching English, it can be showed by the students are less practice English at home, less motivation in learning English, lack of vocabulary, low motivation in reading comprehension.
To sum up there are some reasons using those techniques, such as: they are good for improving the students’ ability in reading comprehension, and it is concerning with consideration that the teacher should make improvement on the way they teach.
Based on the background state above, it is interesting to conduct and research on “THE EFFECT OF SHARED READING AND ACTIVE READING ON STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN COMPREHENDING TEXT AT SMP. N 1 BUKIT MAS BESITANG.
The writer hope both the methods can motivate the teacher to increase their ways in teaching English and the students’ interest in learning English, especially in reading comprehension.

Identification of Problems.
Based on the background of study mentioned above the problems can be identified as follows:
English teacher are mostly using traditional ways in teaching reading comprehension.
The students have low motivation in English.
Most of the students have low ability in reading comprehension.
English teacher can not improve their ways in teaching English.

Limitation of problems.
Because of the limitations of the writer, besides economy, time, power, so the writer will limit the study on the effect of shared reading technique and active reading on the students’ ability in comprehending reading descriptive text.

Formulation of study.
The formulation of the problems by making some relevant questions to answers as follows:
How is the students’ ability in comprehending text by using shared reading technique?
How is the students’ ability in comprehending text by using active reading technique?
Is there any significance difference of shared reading and active reading on the students’ ability in comprehending text.

Objective of Study.
The objective of the study are:
To know students ability in comprehending text.
To know students interest in comprehending text.
To investigate the significance difference of shared reading and active reading on the students ability in comprehending reading descriptive text.

Significant of Study.
As it is describe in the object of the study above, this study also expected to have significant contribution to the following:
1. For the principle of SMP N 1 Bukit Mas Besitng, to give the direction to the
English teacher about the English method that is suitable to the students’
situation and the materials of the study that can improve the students’
interesting English, especially in English.
2. For English teacher to take batter to improve the students’ interest in reading.
3. For the students’ to increase their motivation and interest in studying English.
4. For other researchers who want to further researcher on the same subject.

2 komentar:

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